Configuring Handlers

Handlers can be configured with 4 different variables.


The model to tie to. See Working with Models.


A list of fields to include or exclude. Accepts nested listing, and follows foreign keys and manytomany fields. Also accepts compiled regular expressions. E.g.:

import re

class FooHandler(BaseHandler):
   fields = ('title', 'content', ('author', ('username', 'first_name')))
   exclude = ('id', re.compile('^private_'))

If User can access posts via a Many2many/ForeignKey fields then:

class UserHandler(BaseHandler):
      model = User
      fields = ('name', ('posts', ('title', 'date')))

will show the title and date from a users posts.

To use the default handler for a nested resource specify an empty list of fields:

class PostHandler(BaseHandler):
      model = Post
      exclude = ('date',)

class UserHandler(BaseHandler):
      model = User
      fields = ('name', ('posts', ()))

This UserHandler shows all fields for all posts for a user excluding the date.

Neither fields, nor exclude are required, and either one can be used by itself.


A pointer to an alternate anonymous resource. See Anonymous Resources

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