Receiving data

Piston, being layered on HTTP, works well with post-data (form data), but also works well with more expressive formats such as JSON and YAML.

This allows you to receive structured data easily, rather than just key-value pairs. Piston will attempt to deserialize incoming non-form data via a set of “loaders”, depending on the Content-type specified by the client.

For example, if we send JSON to a handler giving the content-type “application/json”, Piston will do 2 things:

  1. Place the deserialized data in, and
  2. Set request.content_type to application/json. For form data, this will always be None.

You can use it like so (from testapp/

def create(self, request):
    if request.content_type:
        data =

        em = self.model(title=data['title'], content=data['content'])

        for comment in data['comments']:
            Comment(parent=em, content=comment['content']).save()

        return rc.CREATED
        super(ExpressiveTestModel, self).create(request)

If we send the following JSON structure into that, it will handle it appropriately:

{"content": "test", "comments": [{"content": "test1"}, {"content": "test2"}], "title": "test"}

It should be noted that sending anything that deserializes to this handler will also work, so you can send equally formatted YAML or XML, and the handler won’t care.

If your handler doesn’t accept post data (maybe it requires more verbose data), there’s an easy way to require a specific type of data, via the utils.require_mime decorator.

This decorator takes a list of types it requires, and you can use the shorthand too, like ‘yaml’, ‘json’, etc.

There’s also a shortcut for requiring ‘json’, ‘yaml’, ‘xml’ and ‘pickle’ all in one, called ‘require_extended’.

class SomeHandler(BaseHandler):

    @require_mime('json', 'yaml')
    def create(self):

    def update(self):

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